About Us
Beliefs & Practices
The church that meets at Cameron Avenue is a non-instrumental, non-denominational church of the Restoration Movement. We believe the Bible stands as our only creed. We practice believer's baptism. We believe the Holy Spirit works within the life of each individual and is proof of his/her adoption as a child of God (Rm 8:14-16). We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures. We have a diverse membership and we focus on reaching the lost with the love of Christ through our several ministries and in daily living. We work to provide an atmosphere in which all people from various backgrounds may feel welcome. We acknowledge that we are all sinners saved by the grace of God. We seek to honor Christ through support for the lost and hurting.
In service you will experience Acappella singing (without instruments), prayers led by the church's men, and a sermon delivered from Scripture. A collection plate will be passed, but as a visitor you need not feel obliged to give. Each week we participate in the Lord's Supper, a memorial to our Lord Jesus Christ. Please feel free to ask questions if there is any part of our worship you do not understand.
Thank you for visiting our website and we hope that you will join us in worship!
Our Leadership
Our Elders (and their spouses):
Gene and Tammy Autry
Larry & Ginny Little
Allan & Sandra Sprowl
Chris & Janie Strosnider
Our Deacons:
Arnie Meadows
Keith Estes
Chris Hughes
Kevin Strosnider
Jeff Seevers
Rob Watts
Our Ministries:
Daniel Roberts
Nick Schmahl (youth minister)